High-quality real-time video streaming to users in mobile networks is challenging due to the dynamically changing nature of\r\nthe network paths, particularly the limited bandwidth and varying end-to-end delay. In this paper, we empirically investigate\r\nthe performance of multipath streaming in the context of multihomed mobile networks. Existing schemes that make use of the\r\naggregated bandwidth ofmultiple paths can overcome bandwidth limitations on a single path but suffer an efficiency penalty caused\r\nby retransmission of lost packets in reliable transport schemes or path switching overheads in unreliable transport schemes. This\r\nwork focuses on the evaluation of schemes to permit concurrent use of multiple paths to deliver video streams. A comprehensive\r\nstreaming framework for concurrent multipath video streaming is proposed and experimentally evaluated, using current stateof-\r\nthe-art H.264 Scalable Video Coding (H.264/SVC) and the next generation High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standards.\r\nIt provides a valuable insight into the benefit of using such schemes in conjunction with encoder specific packet prioritisation\r\nmechanisms for quality-aware packet scheduling and scalable streaming. The remaining obstacles to deployment of concurrent\r\nmultipath schemes are identified, and the challenges in realising HEVC based concurrent multipath streaming are highlighted.